The Detroit Red Wings Just Need To Suck For One More Year So They Can Get The Next Connor McDavid

One of those deals that seems good for both sides. Like it for the Caps, but absolutely LOVE it for the Red Wings. The NHL is better when the Wings are in the mix, but they've been an absolute doormat since the Datsyuk-Zetterberg era came to an end. Well with this trade the Wings are officially on their way back because Yzerman is executing a plan. It's beautiful to see a competent GM do his job. He took a guy in Anthony Mantha who is a nice, young, power forward and got an absolute haul for him because the Wings had no use for him in the short term. 

Now look at what Stevie Y has amassed 

That is a shit ton of draft capital in the next two years to go a long with Lucas Raymond, Moritz Seider, Jonatan Berggren, Joe Veleno, Wallinder, and the rest of the Wings prospect pool which is ranked in the top 5 universally despite getting fucked every year by the draft lottery. Oh…and they still have Dylan Larkin who is only 24 years old. That seems impossible. Feels like Larkin has been around forever. He is a guy who will slot in nicely for years behind the one guy who will actually turn the Red Wings back into a contender. The greatest prospect since Connor McDavid….Shane Wright

If you haven't heard of this kid yet that is because he's only played one year in the OHL at age 16 and he fucking dominated. He finished his rookie year in the OHL with 39 goals and 27 assists for a total of 66 points in 58 games. An insane amount of points for a double underage player. Numbers very similar to a young Connor McDavid. And by similar I mean better because McDavid finished his 16 year old season with 66 points in 63 games. Now, McDavid followed that up the next two years with 99 points and then 120 before going to the NHL. Shane Wright didn't get to play his 17 year old season because covid canceled the OHL. When the league comes back next year I think it is safe to assume that Shane Wright will continue his McJesus production and then all the Wings have to do is suck ass for one more year and then this is all theirs

That is the key for the Wings. To suck at the best possible time. There can't be anything worse than getting the #1 pick in a year when there isn't one. Look at the Devils. Nico Hishier might turn into a very good player one day, but he isn't a guy who will change the course of your franchise. He's not McDavid, Crosby, Kane, or Ovi. The Wings deserve to cash in on their lottery luck in a year where there's a true HOF level talent. That is Shane Wright. And even though I hate the Wings, it is a stonecold fact that the NHL is better when they're in the mix. I want the Wings and Hawks to both be top teams and for them to be in the same division again. Someone make that happen. Thank you. 

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